Impact Investing

Blog tagged as Impact Investing

Overcoming the Challenges of Measuring Impact in Social Impact Investing

Social impact investing goes beyond just financial returns. It's about investing in companies, funds, or projects that generate positive social and environmental change alongside financial profit. But how do we measure this positive impact? Accurately measuring the social impact of an investment can...

02.07.24 07:30 PM - Comment(s)
The Power of Consistency: How Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) Can Help You Build Wealth Over Time

Dreaming of financial independence but constantly playing catch-up with your savings goals? You are not alone! Many professionals with expensive tastes often find themselves with limited leftover cash to invest for the future. But fear not, there is a powerful strategy that can help you bu...

24.06.24 07:03 PM - Comment(s)
Breaking Down Barriers: Making Social Impact Investing Accessible to All
This article explores these hurdles and proposes solutions to make social impact investing accessible to everyone.
17.06.24 06:24 PM - Comment(s)
Stop Watching, Start Winning: Your 5 Step Guide to Investing for Financial Freedom
This article will be your guide, equipping you with the esential tools to conduct effective investment research.
29.04.24 07:02 PM - Comment(s)
Do Good and Do Well: Mitigate Risk in Social Impact Investing
We explore why managing risk is crucial for long-term success in any investment strategy, including those focused on social good, and outline specific strategies to mitigate risk in social impact investing.
15.04.24 07:26 PM - Comment(s)
Your Way Out of the Market Volatility Illusion
Market volatility is a natural part of the investment cycle. Stock prices rise and fall, and sometimes, these fluctuations can feel dramatic. However, it's important to remember that these fluctuations are often short-lived. Here's the key: focus on the long term.
08.04.24 07:58 PM - Comment(s)
How Much do You Need to Retire?

The amount someone needs to retire depends on a lot of factors like how old you are when you retire and how much you spend in a typical month. In most cases, you’ll need at least $500,000, but generally you’ll want more than that. If you want to make $40,000 a year in retirement, you’ll ne...

24.02.24 05:56 PM - Comment(s)
Help fix the student loan crisis

One point six trillion dollars, or one-thousand six hundred billion dollars. That’s what student loan debt in the United States currently sits at. Many people recognize that this debt is a huge burden and has prevented many people from achieving what they want to achieve.  People have had to pu...

24.02.24 05:53 PM - Comment(s)